Neurosurgical, Thoracic Instrument Tables and Back Tables

Made in the USA


Straddle Instrument Table

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Important Option: 

  • This table is usually supplied with a head to foot dimension of 34" and a width of 42" allowing it to straddle an operating table 34" wide.

  • At no additional cost, at the time of ordering, this table can be made with a head to foot dimension of 42" and a width of 34" allowing it to straddle an operating table 26½" wide.


Product No. 5058-2


  • Instruments are in full view and within easy reach at all times.

  • Table can be quickly moved into or out of the operative field.

  • Is adjustable in height by pulling the bead chain.

  • Stands firm when raising or lowering top.

  • May be easily draped.

  • May also be used as a back table. 

  • Is fully conductive.

Product No. 5058-2 5058-2B
Top Size 34" x 42" 22" x 42"
Height Adjustment 36¾" to 60"
Straddle Width 34"
Materials Stainless Steel, Steel and Plastic
Casters 4" Conductive with thread guards
Shipping Weight 160 lbs. 130 lbs.

 Straddle Table Accessories


  • No. 5058-2E - Railing (3" high)

  • No. 5058-68 - Basin Holder 13"

  • No. 5058-2G - (Size E) - Gas Cylinder Holders

  • No. 5058-7A - I.V. Bottle Holders

  • Oversize Locking Casters


  • No. 5058-2K
    Swing-out Instrument Tray

    No. 5058-2F
    Crank Drive Assembly

    No. 5058-2GS
    Gas Cylinder Holder (custom)

  • No. 5058-2L
    Base Tie-Rod

  • 5058-2H
    Adjustable Lower Shelf
    Fits a table 34" x 42"

  • No. 5058-2I
    Adjustable Lower Shelf
    Fits a table 22" x 42"


Suction Canister Holder
Made to your specifications. Please specify size and number of canisters.